Drama Free Way

The Drama-Free Way

A Thought-Management Guide to Navigating Chaos and Thriving

Jennifer Kern Collins

Drama, drama, drama--every facet of our culture is steeped in it: politics, media, Hollywood, our corporate culture, even our health care is dripping with drama. And, like true junkies, we indulge in it endlessly. Drama addiction is real. But why do we have it?

How did we even get here?

Drama functions as a social survival method that we all sometimes lean on to be seen, heard, and to feel like we matter. Left unattended, the negative thought patterns and emotional wounds that foster drama will be recycled generation after generation, adversely affecting our world for years to come.

There is a path to true emotional freedom. The Drama-Free Way: A Thought-Management Guide to Navigating Chaos and Thriving explores the internal thought patterns and energetic states that create drama. This book pairs real stories of journeys out of drama addiction with a practical approach for intentional thinking and authentic thriving. The result isn't a destination, but a new way of living--a way that can make life easier, more fun, and more fulfilling.

Your spirit is calling you to a new level of being; The Drama-Free Way will lead you there.

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Available In Audiobook




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