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Spiritually Intelligent Leadership

How to Inspire by Being Inspired

Yosi Amram PhD

Spiritual intelligence (SI) is not a belief in a higher power or God, nor is it an experience of awakening, a momentary realization, or simply feeling “at one” with the universe. Developing your spiritual intelligence means learning to cultivate and embody qualities hailed by all the world’s wisdom traditions—virtues such as purpose, compassion, integrity, presence, humility, and joy.

Modern research and most leadership experts agree, actualizing these traits can set off a ripple effect of inspiration that will reverberate across your entire organization, attracting others to you and your vision. But doing so requires learning new habits that can lead you to this new you: someone inner- and inter-connected, rooted in their essence and spark of life.

Whether you are a current or an aspiring leader, if you have a keen desire to connect with the true source of your authentic power and presence, this book is for you.

With practical case studies and transformative exercises, it will guide you in discovering and growing your spiritual intelligence so that you may lead an inspired life: a life of great power, deep fulfillment, and lasting success.

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Available In Audiobook