
Here Me Roar

Speak your truths of who you are to yourself before anyone else. Be your first priority and know what it is you are striving for in your journey and tell the world.

Feel Me Bite

This is your opportunity to back up what you Roar. Your action plan is your bite and it is your time to shine.

Your priority is to show the world what you have told them. This is where you truly show the beauty in your journey.


Creating Beauty in the Journey

How to Stop Procrastinating

Powerful Strategies to Overcome Laziness and Multiply Your Time

4.5 out of 5 stars 297 Reviews

4.2 on Goodreads (153)

Daniel Walter

Have you ever felt there are not enough hours in the day to finish important tasks?

Do you feel stressed, anxious, and worried because your to-do lists never get completed?

Face it – at some point in your life, you have experienced unwanted distractions that kept you from focusing on pursuing your goals.

Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, a teacher, a student, or a stay at home parent—this book will show you how to shatter procrastination and live a life of purpose and fulfillment. No matter how big or small, we all have goals, and when days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months and months turn into years without achieving them, life can get pretty depressing.

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