Keep It Simple and Sweet

KISSing Success

Your Own Action Plan

When we desire to experience success in our journey, we sometimes get frustrated when not experiencing the success we are striving for.

This usually allows us to come up with excuses to give up, postpone our actions, settle with a less than excellent result, or not feel the fulfillment of what we want in our lives.

The reality is, we might not fully understand the equation of what it truly takes to accomplish success which can lead to a feeling of failure and incompetence.

Of course we hear the basics like goal planning, implementing an action plan, and surrounding ourselves with positive people. Yes, these are good habits to create, but it can be hard to do if we do not fully understand the details of what it takes to set ourselves up for breakthrough.

So let's break it down and give it a KISS,

(Keep It Simple & Sweet).

Grab a notebook or journal which will be vital for not just goal writing but to help identify where you have come from, where you currently are, what you desire as well as a breakdown of actions to reach your goals.

Don't fall into the trap of looking at journaling as too time consuming.

You just made an excuse for failure.

That's on you and no one else.

A majority of us spend so much time on our phones each day and can afford a little of that time to chase our dreams if we are serious.

You don't have to go and buy an expensive journal, just use a simple notebook, save the money which should be one of your goals.

Go to the very last page of your notebook and write "Goals" at the top and write out 5 to 10 Personal and or Business goals you have and date the entry.

Be as detailed as you can and don't worry about making it pretty. Keep the beauty of it in words.

Keep in mind this can and probably will change as time goes by, especially if you implement the following:

Go back to the front and start on page 1 and use the below format for each entry you do.

Make sure you date every entry you write. This is vital for identifying your patterns, creating a solid foundation to work from.

Write out how you are generally feeling, which will always be different depending on what is going on in your life or how someone or something has influenced you.

Skip a line, and then after you ‘ve re-read what you have journaled, write out in detail what has caused you to feel this way.

This could be something that was recent, or from your past that needs to be addressed in order for you to move on.

Details are a must, so when you go back and read what you entered, you will see the bigger picture of how your recent and long term past has influenced your current feelings and actions.

You will discover a pattern that you didn't realize was affecting your decision making, and the way you respond to different situations and circumstances or to people that either press your buttons or have helped you.

Identifying this will allow you the opportunity to mix it up and start keeping everything simple. The idea is to work smarter not harder.

The smarter you work, the easier it will be to accomplish your goals.

This might seem a bit strange to do, but trust that your detailed actions from journaling will identify the things you need to implement to have a true, successful experience.

Once you create this habit you can apply the same equation in other areas, such as your relationships, finances, health, and attitude.

You will be creating a new beauty in your journey that will give you a sense of purpose and accomplishment building a foundation to work from.


Creating Beauty in the Journey

The 10X Rule

The Only Difference Between Success and Failure

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Grant Cardone

Achieve "Massive Action" results and accomplish your business dreams!

While most people operate with only three degrees of action-no action, retreat, or normal action-if you're after big goals, you don't want to settle for the ordinary. To reach the next level, you must understand the coveted 4th degree of action. This 4th degree, also known as the 10 X Rule, is that level of action that guarantees companies and individuals realize their goals and dreams.

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