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Identifying Nonduality

Identifying Nonduality

A Guide to Recognizing Our True Nature

4.6 out of 5 stars 79 Reviews

4.7 on Goodreads (40)

John Sefton

Awakening to our nondual nature is possible without traversing an immense path and without exiting our everyday life. Since having a nondual realization in 2004, the author has studied and practiced many contemplative traditions including Zen, Dzogchen, Mahamudra, Christian Mysticism, Taoism, and Advaita Vedanta. The crucial lesson that was learned is that when we seek nondual awareness through sheer force, that becomes the obstruction to its realization. What this book offers is a way to transform the energy of seeking into direct recognition itself. We’ll discover that the ultimate state of being that we’ve been searching for is always self-existent and present as our own awareness.The key step is for us to be able to immediately and directly wake up to this pure presence, and that is what's revealed in this book.

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